Stan Advoka

Barış Atalay

Turkish and European Patent Attorney Barış Atalay is the founding partner of Stan Advoka. He is one of the Turkish representatives of EPI Council, which is the professional organization of European Patent Attorneys and also a member of the international associations such as AIPPI and FICPI. Barış Atalay, as an EPI tutor, renders training to European patent attorney candidates to prepare them to the certification exam. He is one of the few European Patent Attorneys in Turkey certified by European Patent Office. He got his BS degree from ITU Electrical Engineering Faculty and his master degree from Maastricht University in Technology Management and another master degree from Strasbourg University in European Patent Litigation. He was graduated from Galatasaray High School and speaks English, French and intermediate level German. He is the author of two books: Patent Vekilliği Uygulamalı Temel İlkeleri (Applied Basic Principles of Pattent Attorneyship) published in 2013 and Patent Hukukuna Giriş (Introduction to Patent Law) published in 2014. He also published many articles in different reviews and on Internet.
