ip in space

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I’ve posted a message related to importance of owning a strategic mind-set when it comes to Intellectual Property Rights Management (“IPRM”) early on this week. I’d like to elaborate my post on the article that I’ve recently read. Prior to reading this article, I frankly didn’t know that the US Patent Act (35 U.S.C.§ 105) was so visionary on governing the inventions made, used or sold in outer space on board a spacecraft that is under the jurisdiction or control of the US is considered to be made, used or sold on US territory.

How brilliant and enlightening!

By virtue of this knowledge, I happened to realize that US patents may indeed cover activities in outer space as oppose to Turkish Patent Law. From thereon, I’ve come across with the author’s quote in the same article remarking “Those active in the space sector should consider obtaining patent protection as part of a wider overall IP strategy in a bid to preserve their R&D investment and to achieve their long-term commercial goals.”

This quote explicitly demostrates the significance of acquiring an IP strategy depending on the relevant sector’s conditions, corporal agenda and sales&marketing strategies of the company with the aim of preserving corporate’s R&D investments and long-term commercial goals.

More specifically, when it comes to patenting strategy, irrespective of the relevant sector, deciding on the territories where to obtain patent protection, locations where the competitors are active, where the end users of the patentable subject matter are likely to be domiciled shall also be taken into consideration as indicated in the article in relation to satellites sector. (https://lnkd.in/dN6wcTbQ)